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Secure collaboration for digital learning

Advance teaching and learning through research have been strong values of our group since its creation.

Firstly, because we are convinced that education should be accessible to everyone.

But more importantly, faced with “digital disruption”, we believe that the education sector has been challenged to reinvent itself. We therefore agreed on the importance of modernising teaching methods with the development of solutions allowing any learner to engage into new learning processes that are both more effective and efficient.

Just by following how technology transforms people's lives lead us to the conclusion that it is also transforming education. On the path to personalised learning, technology empowers learners by giving them ownership of how they learn, making education relevant to their digital lives and preparing them for their futures.

The way we work, communicate, and learn is changing fast, and it’s changing for good. If we fall behind now, we risk being disrupted by our competition. On another side, with a collaborative learning solution, we would be able to pivot quickly to meet changing market dynamics or counteract world events. It was therefore by wanting to reimagine digital collaboration, or more generally, education, that we decided to invest in creating better alternatives in both digital learning and secure collaboration.


Introducing the first web-based operating system dedicated to collaborative learning & secure team collaboration. From anywhere, at anytime.